Washington Tacoma Mission; May 2012 - June 2013
Washington Federal Way Mission; July 2013 - May 2014

I want to share my testimony with you. I know God lives, he loves and cares about me and is very watchful of me. He is my Father in Heaven, I am his Son. Heavenly Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ to come to this earth, to show us the way to return to live with our Father in Heaven. Christ suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for my sins, my bad days, and my hard aches willingly. He then died on the cross. He rose three days. He is my Savior, my Redeemer. I would have no hope without Jesus Christ. He is my Light and Life. I am so grateful for my Mother and Father here on earth. They have truly sacrificed so much for me to be here on a mission. Thank You. I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ in the grove. Joseph restored the true and living church back to this earth, and because of that, i can take the sacrament each week, and be cleansed from sin. I love the temple so much, there is truly a spirit of power there. God is over this work. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve a mission. May God bless you until we meet again. I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our Savior

My Message is this week, is one of the Savior, and the Atonement. I believe we can only come to know the atonement, but falling on our knees and felling the prints in his hands and his feet. 
3 Nephi 11:14;Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world.   
Our Savior has invited you, a Daughter or Son of God, to come and feel what he has done for us willing.
3 Nephi 11:11 And behold, I am the light and the life of the world; and I have drunk out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given me, and have glorified the Father in taking upon me the sins of the world, in the which I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning.
Alma 7:11-13:
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
 13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.

As you watch these different videos, Ponder over what your Savior has done for you.
Elder Jeffery R. Holland:

I would invite as did Alma;
Alma 7:14-16;
14 Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness.
 15 Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism.
 16 And whosoever doeth this, and keepeth the commandments of God from thenceforth, the same will remember that I say unto him, yea, he will remember that I have said unto him, he shall have eternal life, according to the testimony of the Holy Spirit, which testifieth in me.

What does Alma ask as to do, or more importantly what does the Savior ask us do?
 1.  Have Faith In Him
 2. Repent 
 3. Be Baptized, If you have been baptized. Partake of his Holy Sacrament, Worthy!
 4. Be Born Again

I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction.

Let us lay aside our sins and come unto him. As you do this, May God grant you forgiveness and blessings.

I ask one final thing.
Alma 7:17:
And now my beloved brethren, do you believe these things?  

I bear my testimony to you. I know my Redeemer lives, he is close to a repentant heart, some that comes unto him. I know He can forgive you of your sins. He loves you and don't you forget that. My beloved brothers and sisters, May you come unto him and partake of his salvation. His Atonement is real. I bear this my witness to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.




  1. Beautiful Elder Johnson,
    Thank you so much for sharing & reminding us what Jesus Christ did for each one of us, because he loves us so much!

  2. Beautiful Elder Johnson,
    Thank you so much for sharing & reminding us what Jesus Christ did for each one of us, because he loves us so much!
