Washington Tacoma Mission; May 2012 - June 2013
Washington Federal Way Mission; July 2013 - May 2014

I want to share my testimony with you. I know God lives, he loves and cares about me and is very watchful of me. He is my Father in Heaven, I am his Son. Heavenly Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ to come to this earth, to show us the way to return to live with our Father in Heaven. Christ suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for my sins, my bad days, and my hard aches willingly. He then died on the cross. He rose three days. He is my Savior, my Redeemer. I would have no hope without Jesus Christ. He is my Light and Life. I am so grateful for my Mother and Father here on earth. They have truly sacrificed so much for me to be here on a mission. Thank You. I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ in the grove. Joseph restored the true and living church back to this earth, and because of that, i can take the sacrament each week, and be cleansed from sin. I love the temple so much, there is truly a spirit of power there. God is over this work. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve a mission. May God bless you until we meet again. I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1/1/2013: Power of Temptations

Hello Everybody,

Elder Johnson made it to 2013. My full year on the mission, some new for the year, is thing called Testimonies. I will give you a Scripture and I want you to share your testimony on it. Im excited to hear from you guys and to be able relate back and forth. and as always i will continue to share pictures.
We went to Hurricane Ridge and went snowshoeing on Christmas Eve. On New Years Eve. we went to Fort Worden State Park, the bunkers and played capture the flag

Everything was really cold and frozen

Olympic Mountains 

Such a beautiful day.

Snowing at its finest

Elder Johnson on top of the World

And this was some of the less deep snow

Haha, i was higher than Utah in Elevation.

Marble Game, we built this on Christmas day 

Sequim District

My Finger

My finger wrapped up

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